"Come to learn, Go to win"
রেজিস্ট্রেশন লগ ইন

Book List

Name of the books written by FM sir



Name of the books written by FM sir Year of publication
1. মাতৃ ভাষার চেতনায় উদ্বুদ্ধ FM Method - The best methodology of Teaching Spoken English 31 Dec-1994
2. Spoken and written English Elementary Course - First Semester Feb-2001
3. Spoken and written English Diploma Course - second Semester on FM Method Mar-2002
4. Spoken and written English graduation Course - Third Semester on FM Method Jun-2002
5. Spoken and Written English on FM Method - 1 st Semester July-2008
6. FM's Super Successful Spoken English Course Level-2 Jun-2009
7. মাতৃ ভাষার চেতনায় উদ্বুদ্ধ FM Method FM's Super Successful Spoken English Level-2 Jun-2009
8. FM's Super Successful Spoken English Course Level-1 July-2009
9. FM's Super Successful Spoken English Course Level-1 Oct-2009
10. FM's Super Successful Spoken English Elementary Course: Part-1 Mar-2010
11. FM's Super Successful Spoken & Written English Course May-2010
12. FM's Super Successful Spoken & Written English Course (Most Effective) Jun-2010
13. FM's Package Course 5 in one for Learning English Feb-2011
14. FM's Super Successful School English Course Mar-2011
15. FM's Most Effective Spoken English Challenging Course - 1 st Semester Jun-2011
16. FM's Spoken English Elementary Level Jun-2011
17. FM's Spoken & Written English Higher Course Nov-2011
18. FM's Formula Based Spoken & written English Level-1 Jan-2012
19. Test your Knowledge in English & FM's Formula Based English for Further Practice May-2012
20. FM's Formula Based Spoken & Written English Advanced Course Level-3 Jun-2012
21. FM's Formula Based Conversational English Most Important For Class V to SSC & Dhakil Students Nov-2012
22. FM's Formula Based Speaking & Writing English Level-1 Elementary Course Jan-2013
23. ইংরেজি শেখার সৃজনশীল পদ্ধতি The best Methodology and Most Scientific and Creative way of learning English Sept-2013
24. সৃজনশীল পদ্ধতি Super Successful Speaking English Language Course Oct-2014



Name of the books Year of publication
1. FM's Speaking Module IELTS on FM Method Aug-2003
2. FM's Writing Module IELTS on FM Method Oct-2003
3. FM's IELTS Aug-2007
4. Preparation for IELTS Sept-2008
5. Fundamentals of IELTS Grammar July-2009


Name of the books Year of publication
1. FM's Speaking Module IELTS on FM Method Aug-2003

on Phonetics


Name of the books Year of publication
1. FM's Practical Phonetics Aug-2007
2. FM's Phonetics May-2010

on Grammar

Name of the books Year of publication
1. FM's TOEFL GUIDE Structure & Written Expression April-2000

on Vocabulary

Name of the books Year of publication
1. FM's necessary Vocabulary with standard pronunciation Oct-1989

on BCS

Name of the books Year of publication
1. FM's Best Preparation on BCS সাধারণ জ্ঞান বাংলাদেশ ও আন্তর্জাতিক বিষয়াবলী। Jan-2009

on Academic English

Name of the books Year of publication
1. FM's Best Preparation on HSC Communicative English Feb-2001
2.HSC Communicative English on FM Method Dec-2003
3. FM's A + project on English 1 st Paper (Part-A) For Class IX-X and SSC Jun-2007
4. FM's Best Preparation on HSC Communicative English Sept-2007
5. FM's Best preparation on SSC Communicative English Dec-2007
6. FM's A + Project on English 1 st Paper For Class XI-XII and HSC Sept- 2008
7. FM's HSC English Master Sept-2008
8. FM's A + Target on HSC English Sept-2008
9. FM's HSC English 2 nd Paper Package Course Jun-2010
10. FM's Best preparation for A + Target in English for Class-V Feb-2013
11. সৃজনশীল পদ্ধতি Super Successful Speaking English Course for Class IX-X (Paper-1) Feb-2015